Date: July 7, 2005
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
  • The Southeastern Michigan E-Prescribing Initiative, sparked by a joint venture involving General Motors Corporation, Ford Motor Company, and Daimler Chrysler Corporation, have approved the H2H Digital Rx e-prescribing product suite for inclusion as an “approved vendor” for participation in the SEMI initiative.
  • SEMI is actively encouraging physicians throughout southeastern Michigan to choose an e-prescribing product for use within their practices. H2H is proceeding with the technical certification program being coordinated by RxHub, the data formulary repository for the SEMI program, along with SureScripts, the interface selected by SEMI for integration to the retail pharmacies across the country.
  • H2H Digital Rx provides a sophisticated web and hand-held interface that allows physicians to order medications, review up to the minute formulary information on their patients, warns physicians of potentially negative allergic reactions from medications that patients may already be taking, and securely transmits the physician’s prescription instructions to the pharmacy of choice for their patients.
  • H2H Digital Rx will be expanded on a state-wide and national basis in the coming months.