H2H Green is designed to save trees and money. Green is delivered via the Internet, and can therefore be made available to Physicians across the country. Rather than printing and mailing paper based claims to payers for reimbursement, with Green, the provider office staff will essentially continue to enter and generate claims as always, however, instead of printing the claim to paper the billing staff will “save” all claims file to any directory folder on their machine, for subsequent uploading to H2H Green via the Web/FTP. Once submitted by the office billing specialist, H2H Green will validate the file(s) and upon successful validation, will generate a HIPAA compliant 837 EDI that can immediately be forwarded to the Payer Claims Adjudication System. If validation fails for any reason, the provider billing specialist can correct the highlighted errors online and simply needs to resubmit the file for processing immediately. Getting claims into the payer sooner via electronic submission can often times cut down on payment delays that are routinely experienced by provider offices that submit via paper.

H2H Green provides payers with an extremely cost-effective alternative to processing paper claims, or to sending paper claims to outside organizations for OCR scanning and processing. Claims are received pre-formatted for the adjudication system, and rules can be customized to the payer’s specifications.

H2H Green™ Features

H2H Green is an automated back-end tool (web-based or dial-up) that allows:

  • A Provider to upload claims electronically
  • Transparent integration with existing Practice Management Systems without requiring modifications to the physician office application
  • The capability to report errors and allow providers to fix errors in uploaded claims interactively
  • A secure and reliable mechanism for uploading the claims and generating HIPAA compliant EDIs
  • Save money, and trees!

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