
H2H Oncology Management Program (OMP) – “Enhancing Communications with Oncologists”
The cost of treating cancer has surpassed heart disease and is now the costliest single component in terms of health care services in the United States, with no end in sight.

Oncologists are afforded tremendous latitude as it relates to their choices when prescribing chemotherapeutic agents and adjunctive therapies, as Payers today are ill-equipped to suggest alternative therapies or agents, and most importantly Payers do not want to be perceived as denying potentially life-saving or life-extending treatments that Oncologists have elected to prescribe.

H2H has developed a comprehensive ASP rendered platform called the H2H Oncology Management Program that:

  • lists-imgProvides a common communications platform whereby Oncologists will be able to share their Treatment Plans with Payers on a “prospective” basis
  • lists-imgAffords access to relevant medical information for Patients and their family members who are supporting loved ones throughout the course of therapy
  • lists-imgEstablishes a framework for supporting NCCN guidelines for treatment, allowing Oncologists the opportunity to utilize any and all treatment methods at their disposal, with the ability for Payers to review deviations from established guidelines on a case-by-case and peer-to-peer comparative basis
  • lists-imgAggregates Surveillance Data for long-term outcomes analysis following the completion of the initial infusion schedule. This vehicle will equip Oncologists and Payers alike with data reporting that can help to determine optimal treatments for different Patients with different forms of cancer, and will provide a platform for identifying cancer “Centers of Excellence” that demonstrate superior outcomes, long-term survival, improved patient satisfaction, and cost-effectiveness in terms of providing cancer treatment
  • lists-imgCan link directly with Specialty Pharmacies for chemo and adjunctive therapy drug purchasing and distribution

H2H would be pleased to arrange a webcast viewing of OMP at your convenience.