H2H receives Surescripts' 2011 White Coat of Quality award for it's e-prescribing product Digital Rx. The White Coat recognizes organizations that uphold the highest standards of quality in e-prescribing and is a featured part of Surescripts’ quality program.
The e-Prescribe Florida Collaborative released its inaugural list of registered vendor solutions today that will be featured on the organization’s website and in outreach efforts to providers seeking e-prescribing solutions. Each registered vendor completed a detailed program of review and validation of its e-Prescribing solution’s functionality against a set of electronic prescribing and patient safety […]
H2H Solutions, Inc. of Wixom, MI and ARX, Inc. of San Francisco, CA, announced today the formation of a collaborative integration effort that is designed to bring CoSign® digital signatures, the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)-based digital signature product of ARX, to the e-Prescribing world of H2H Digital Rx.